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The Village of Flassan at the foot of Mont-Ventoux,Photos Gallery

Le   rhône et avignon vue de l'ile de la barthelasse


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Le Vaucluse

FLASSAN: 84410

Population: 412 habitants, altitudes: 437 m min: 337m - max: 1058 m

At 18 km au North East of Carpentras by D 974 and at 5 km South East of Bédoin,

Flassan is a village at the foot of Mont Ventoux. the ocher color predominates on the facades of houses and the church. the village church Our Lady of Romanesque origin. The main resources of the village are agriculture and tourism. Flassan is the base for departures of different trails for the ascent of Mont Ventoux.

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Informations Touristiques: Voir l' Office de Tourisme de la ville de Bédoin

Espace Marie-Louis Gravier
84410 BEDOIN
T. 04 90 65 63 95
Courriel : tourisme@bedoin.fr Web site : http://www.bedoin.org/