Le Vaucluse,Valley of Toulourenc,
Veaux:84340 - Pop. : 6 Inhabitants en hivers, Vallée du Toulourenc min: 425m-max: 1 900m
Located 16km east of Vaison by the D5 and D72 and north of Sault by the D542 then the D72 .
Nearby villages: Savoillan 14km,St Léger du Ventoux7 km.Aurel13 km Brantes 10km Malaucene 12,5km, Entrechaux 10 km,Vaison la Romaine 16km
Located a 16,4Km Vaison-la-Romaine Dp 54, the hamlet of Veaux, in the municipality of Malaucène is located 12.5 kilometers by Dp242 ( Vaucluse ) is located in the Toulourenc valley on the northern slope the Mont-Ventoux . This wild valley is a paradise for nature lovers. sports and trekking bike MTB péedestre, water in the valley Toulourenc Mont Ventoux and the Drome Provencale.
The hamlet of Veaux is known for bright and generous waters of Toulourenc well as for its many hiking trails going to the Mont Ventoux
Le hameau de Veaux est connu pour les eaux vives et généreuses du Toulourenc ainsi que pour ses nombreux chemins de randonnée accédant au Mont-Ventoux
Nearby villages: Savoillan 14km,St Léger du Ventoux 7 km.Aurel13 km Brantes 10km Malaucene 12,5km, Entrechaux 10 km,Vaison la Romaine 16km