panorama du village de Mornas et sa Falaise surplonbé par la forteresse,Vallee du Rhône Haut Vaucluse


Mornas,Village, Haut-Vaucluse,Galerie Photos vidéo

LA forteresse de Mornas

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Voir la visite virtuelle à 360° de la Forteresse de Mornas

Le Vaucluse Historique

MORNAS Vaucluse,France 84

Population:2 320 habitants, altitude: 38 m,min. : 31 m , max. : 234 m

10 km north of Orange on the N7 11 km south of Bollène by the D26, A7 exit Mornas

Nearby villages: Piolenc 4 km, Uchaux 9 km, Sérignan du Comtat 10 km, Bollène 10 km Caderousse 11 km Orange 12 km

Located on the N7 between Bollène and Orange, north of Vaucluse, Mornas spreads in length to the foot of a rocky outcrop 137 meters on which a fortress siege. overlooking the Rhone valley 
and steep A steep path leads to the Fortress, the Val Romingier chapel built in the twelfth century is the old parish church of the village. the association "Friends of Mornas" welcome visitors to the Fortress and offer a guided tour with historical reenactments.

Virtual tout 360 ° of the citadel, 5 views

Cliquez  pour voir la Visite virtuelle à 360° de la Forteresse de Mornas
Mornas. thanks to its historical heritage, and breathtaking views of the citadel by travelers who are on the A7 has become a popular stage on the road vacation.

To visit: 
Chapelle Ste Baudile (remains), remparts.Eglise Val Romigier (XI and XII). Doors St Nicolas and St Pierre.Forteresse medieval Mornas:. Guided tours 
Hiking. ATV. Tennis. Fishing. Riding 
Hôtels.Camping. Restaurant.

Nearby villages: Piolenc 4 km, Uchaux 9 km, Sérignan du Comtat 10 km, Bollène 10 km Caderousse 11 km Orange 12 km