Le Vaucluse
Population: 431 habitants Altitude : 290m min: 142m - max: 502m
Located 6 km south of Carpentras via the D4,
Nearby Villages:
Pernes les Fontaines 5km,Venasque 5km, Le Beaucet 5km. Saint-Didier 3 km Saumane-de-Vaucluse 5 km Fontaine-de-Vaucluse 7 km Malemort-du-Comtat 8 km Velleron 9 km L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue 9 km Mazan 9 km Lagnes 10 km Carpentras 11 km Cabrières-d'Avignon 11 km Blauvac 12 km Gordes 13 km
Located between Pernes les Fontaines and Venasque , La Roque is a village perched on the slopes of a hill on the southwest end of the Monts de Vaucluse .In this common product of Ventoux (AOC) .Des excavation of the Hypogeum the Sanguinouse helped update a Chalcolithic cemetery (between -2300 and -1900 years) .The village was mentioned in 1113 under the name of Rocha .son castle XI restored at various times is now a hotel ** *. the fully restored village is made of dry stone on the road to Saumane in cheneraies found beautiful cabins made of slate Bories
(see the village of Bories in Gordes)
In this county produces Ventoux (AOC) .Des excavations of the tomb of Sanguinouse helped update a Chalcolithic cemetery (between -2300 and -1900 years) .The village was mentioned in 1113 under the name of Rocha.
the castle of the XI restored at various times is now a hotel ***. the fully restored village is made of dry stone,
on the road of Saumane in cheneraies found beautiful cabins made of slate Bories
(see the village of Bories in Gordes)
To visit:
Fountains and lavoirs.Eglise dating 1758.Chemin oratories. neighboring villages
Hiking, horseback riding. Biking in the Monts de Vaucluse, Tennis. Summer events.
Nearby Villages :
Pernes les Fontaines 5km,Venasque 5km, Le Beaucet 5km. Saint-Didier 3 km Saumane-de-Vaucluse 5 km Fontaine-de-Vaucluse 7 km Malemort-du-Comtat 8 km Velleron 9 km L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue 9 km Mazan 9 km Lagnes 10 km Carpentras 11 km Cabrières-d'Avignon 11 km Blauvac 12 km Gordes 13 km