Le Vaucluse
84370 -Population : 5.151 inhabitants Altitude: 25m min: 20m - max: 119m
Nearby villages:Orange (6km), Courthézon (6km), Châteauneuf du Pape (7,5km), Monteux 18km
Located (12km) Avignon south of Carpentras east and Orange to the north, this circular village is known for its Roman bridge on the platform of Ouvèze, Bédarrides is surrounded by vineyards of the Côtes du Rhône
In the twelfth century, the castle belonged to Agoult, Sault counts and St. Andrew Abbey Villeneuve-lès-Avignon owned a church. The walls were built in the fourteenth century, there are still some remains.
Beautiful parish church. 3 Romanesque bridge arches on Ouvèze. Fountain covered in rotunda (back up). Tropical Aquarium "Oxygen". Sea Museum.
Hobbies: Tennis. Riding. Bowling alley. Excursions on foot. Fishing (fishing).
Lodging: Hotel. Citizens Cottages (countrymen). Restaurants.