Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire,Lourmarin
The Abbey of Saint-Hilaire,Luberon, Historical Monument, opened to the public
The Abbey of Saint-Hilaire is in the Luberon in the municipality of Menerbes, Vaucluse is a listed building of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Private property - Ménerbes - Vaucluse
Nearby villages: Bonnieux (6km), Saignon (7km), Apt (8km).Sivergues 3 km Vaugines 7 km Lourmarin 14km Gargas 8 km Auribeau 9 km Cucuron 9 km Cadenet 11 km Villars 11 km Castellet 11 km Lacoste 12 km Lauris 12 km
the abbey offers a perfect harmony with the architecture rules advocated by St Benedict and the order Citeau: Simple see austere, rigorous, functional and stripped of all ornaments which can divert the monk of his prayer..