Le Vaucluse
Population,1005 Inhabitants, Altitude : 200m, min: 169m - max: 818m
Located 50 km east of Avignon , on the N100en towards Forcalquier (26km
Nearby Villages : Cadenet (4km), Vaugines (5km), Lauris (5km), Bonnieux 10km Buoux 8 km Sivergues 8 km Cucuron 9 km Ansouis 11 km Lacoste 13 km Apt 13 km .
The village of Lourmarin labeled "one of the most beautiful villages in France" is located at the foot of the South Side of Luberon via the Lourmarin valley is crossed by the gorges to reach the Luberon Bonnieux and Apt on the north side of the Luberon c .. east village has agricultural vocation that has always welcomed Arrtistes or writers such as Albert Camus, who bought a house in 1958. Equally famous writer also stayed in Lourmarin, this is Henri Bosco.
Lourmarin has a castle from a fortress of the XII belonging to the family of the Baux castle nonbreuses undergo changes over the centuries. it is in 1920 that a patron entrprendra Restore ruined castle, he bequeathed the Castle at the Academy of Sciences, Agriculture, Arts and Belles Lettres of Aix en Provence. created with the goal of an artist residence toujour what is the case today.
Albert Camus, Nobel Prize for literature, lived and wrote here. He is buried in the village cemetery.
Lourmarin les journées Vénitiennes en savoir plus
To see:
The Belfry .L'église Romanesque St Andrew. Temple Ranked Castle Villa Medici de Provence, .Bastides XVI and XVIII outside the village. the temple, the narrow streets,
Market Friday matin.Randonnées hiking, equestrian and VTT.Piscine. Tennis. Archery, mini-golf, fishing in the Durance (4km) Summer .Animations: Theatre, concerts, conferences, exhibitions, craft fair.
Hotels. restaurants. camping. Bed rural hôtes.Gîtes. Progress for group lodging. Furnished rentals.