Village of Bories,Gordes Luberon

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Moulin Troglodytique et Le village des Bories à Gordes,Luberon, en vidéo 360°

The village of Bories in Gordes,Video Virtual-tour 360°

Le village des Bories à Gordes Luberon


Visite virtuelle du Village des bories

Le Vaucluse, historical village of bories , Luberon

Le Village des Bories a Gordes , Site Historique 84390

The Village des Bories in Gordes, 84390 Historic Site
Les Bories or date from the 17th century Cabannes it is contruitent from dry stacked stone and assembled without mortar binder is the only corbelled vault is a royal decree from 1761 that allows farmers has cleared cultivated new parcel of land, the extracted stones used in the construction of granary warehouse shelters and temporary housing, were found in the south of France and even around the Mediterranean under another name, the village of Bories allows to discover these habitats rural, with oven, chevrières barn, sheep, silk, wine vat, home ...., documentation space with the film and museum of the history of dry stone, hikers will discover many Bories and troglodytes stone dry, during their excursions throughout the department

the Bories village is open all year from 9 am to choucher sun, Tel: 04 9072 March 48

Voir la visite virtuelle du village des bories à Gordes