panorama du village perché de Faucon

Faucon wine Village Haut Vaucluse

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Faucon Village AOC wine,Photos Gallery

Le village de Blauvac

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Le Vaucluse viticole

FAUCON 84110

Population.: 386 habitants, altitude:500m

Located 7 km north-east of Vaison-la-Romaine by the D46.

North of Vaucluse , Faucon is located on a hill the village and its houses are built of stone, the village offers a beautiful view of the north slope of Mont Ventoux, this is a village agricultural and wine vocation: 
This vineyard wines had its classified Côtes du Rhône villages in 1979. The decree of 25 August 2005 did go in Côtes du Rhône villages with geographic name Puyméras (AOC)

To visit: 
Former priory St Germain Chapels Church Bread oven Remparts, Arch 
Fishing, hiking, nature trail. 
Bed and Breakfast, 1 Camping.
