St-Trinit Village,
Le Vaucluse
Saint-Trinit: (84390), 123 Inhabitants, Elevation: 800 m min: 780m — max: 914m
Nearby villages : Sault 7km , Saint Christol 9km , Aurel 6km Monieux 12 km Savoillan 13 km Brantes 15 Km,Saint Jean de Sault 17km, Lagarde d'Apt 15 km
7 km northeast of Sault by D950.Saint Trinity is a village on the border of Vaucluse and Alpes de Haute Provence in the middle of landscapes of Sault country with its lavender fields and in épautres .it July, when the lavender is blooming as the palette of blue and purple is the richest, His church is classified (XII) and dedicated to the"Saint-Trinity" she is beautiful, open in summer,
Nearby villages : Sault 7km , Saint Christol 9km , Aurel 6km Monieux 12 km Savoillan 13 km Brantes 15 Km,Saint Jean de Sault 17km, Lagarde d'Apt 15 km